
Hi, my name is Hashim.

I am a junior doctor in the UK and former MLA / PLAB candidate.

About Me

During my preparations for CPSA (PLAB 2), I found myself struggling to find a good resource that clearly laid out what I needed to do to prepare for the exam.

Unlike AKT (PLAB 1) materials, everything for CPSA (PLAB 2) seemed to be organised in an unhelpful and haphazard way that would leave me feeling overwhelmed, confused and lost.

In addition, content was not being updated frequently enough to keep up with the newer topics increasingly being introduced.

Frustrated by what was available, I decided to start creating and following my own set of resources and notes while simultaneously preparing for the exam - and I would share portions of it with my peers as I worked through the content.

I quickly realised that I wasn’t the only person dissatisfied by what was available as my peers would make clear how highly they regarded my content, pleading with me to release my own course.

“Concise”, “well structured” and “easy to understand” are terms I consistently hear from candidates when describing my content and I attribute my ability to excel in the CPSA (PLAB 2) exam to these materials.

I have compiled, expanded, and refined them into a step-by-step, linear, A-Z system that is continuously updated and has since helped many others progress successfully through the CPSA (PLAB 2) exam and achieve GMC registration.

I wanted to make sure these resources would be as affordable as possible without compromising on my usual high standards, as I do understand how much of a strain it can be to relocate to a country like the UK to prepare for and sit an exam like this.

Hence, I made it my mission to create a complete package that caters for the honest, hardworking people who just need a fair chance to study and practise the material at an affordable cost.

The Smart Revision Planner ("Lifesaver") and (NEW) Smart Revision Notes, alongside the personalised support afforded by the Membership Program and 1:1 Coaching, and the practical opportunities provided by the Smart Manikin Practise and Smart "Hands-On" Bundles collectively provide a "path of least resistance", tried and tested solution to preparing for CPSA (PLAB 2) that is affordable and accessible to all needs and preferences.

~ Hashim.

Consultation Checklist

Download and print my consultation checklist to use when practising your consultations with your study partners.

Consultation Quiz

Find out how well prepared you are for the exam by taking my 30-item (CPSA) PLAB 2 consultation quiz.

Consultation Playlist

Watch me in action in this value-packed (CPSA) PLAB 2 Crash Course playlist on YouTube.

All Products

Value Packages

(Limited Time)

Ruby Package


Lifetime Membership Support

Smart Revision Planner ("Lifesaver")

(NEW) Smart Revision Notes


Sapphire Package


Lifetime Membership Support

Smart Revision Planner ("Lifesaver")

(NEW) Smart Revision Notes

1 x Supervised "Manikin Practise" Workshop

Lifetime Free Access to "Manikin Practise" Room


Aqua Package


Lifetime Membership Support

Smart Revision Planner ("Lifesaver")

(NEW) Smart Revision Notes

1 x Supervised "Manikin Practise" Workshop

Lifetime Free Access to "Manikin Practise" Room

1 x Examination + Procedure Workshop

1 x High Fidelity Manikin (SimMan/SimWoman)

+ Prescription Workshop

1 x 16-Station Mock (F2F)


Diamond Package


Lifetime Membership Support

Smart Revision Planner ("Lifesaver")

(NEW) Smart Revision Notes

1 x Supervised "Manikin Practise" Workshop

Lifetime Free Access to "Manikin Practise" Room

1 x Examination + Procedure Workshop

1 x High Fidelity Manikin (SimMan/SimWoman)

+ Prescription Workshop

1 x 16-Station Mock (F2F)

1 x 16-Station 1:1 Coaching with Dr. Hashim (Zoom)


Personalised Support
Members gain access to the Private Members WhatsApp Group where I answer all of your questions, 10 hours of Mock Zoom Video Footage, Members Google Drive Materials and attendance at Zoom Meetings.
Complete Linear A-Z System

A database of CPSA (PLAB 2) cases (old and new) organised into a "path of least resistance" system for quick access, mental clarity and to make sure you don't miss anything ("Lifesaver"). Updated as new topics appear.

Solved Newest Cases

Online course that lays out a step-by-step approach to tackling the newest CPSA (PLAB 2) cases. These are the newer cases that aren't covered by traditional study materials. Updated as new topics appear.


Lifetime Manikin Access
This lifetime pass grants you access to brand new state-of-the-art manikin practise rooms based in Manchester for you to come in as and when you please. Here you will find all Examination, Procedure, Teaching and High Fidelity Manikins. A supervised "manikin practise" workshop led by NHS CPSA / PLAB 2 tutors is also included.

All-in-One Practical Bundle

Attend a series of F2F workshops led by experienced NHS doctor PLAB 2 tutors in Manchester covering all Examinations, Procedures, High Fidelity Manikins and Prescriptions - providing complete coverage of all the practical aspects of CPSA / PLAB 2. Smart Manikin Practise lifetime pass and a 16-Station F2F Mock are also included.

1:1 Premium Service

Highly immersive & transformative 1:1 coaching program delivered by Dr Hashim where he personally mentors you 1:1 on Zoom through a series of carefully curated stations on Zoom. Each station is followed by personalised feedback, discussion and demonstrations before beginning the next, to accelerate the learning process and catapult you to the next level.

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