Smart Revision Timetable (6W, 2M, 3M, 4M, 5M)



Smart Revision Timetable (SRT)

Attached are (editable) 6-week, 2-month, 3-month, 4-month and 5-month Smart Revision Timetables (SRT) to assist you in your preparation for UKMLA / PLAB 2. These timetables complement the following programs:

  • MLACases Online Programs:-
    • Smart Revision Planner (SRP)
    • Smart Revision Notes (SRN)
    • 1:1 Mock-Coaching (8-Station Bundle, 16-Station Bundle)
  • MLACases Onsite F2F Programs (Manchester):-
    • Smart Manikin Pass (SMP)
    • Smart Hands-On Bundle (SHB)
    • 16-Station Mock (Individual Mock, 3-Mock Package)

Ideal Preparation Time

This will vary between individuals, but Dr Hashim recommends that most first-timers preparing for UKMLA-PLAB 2 will need to set aside around 3-5 months to study for this exam.

The 6-Week Timetable

This was specifically created for repeaters who are already familiar with the PLAB 2 curriculum, or those who for whatever reason are short on time (for example, those with an upcoming visa deadline).

Many MLACases members before have successfully cleared the exam on their first attempt adhering to the 6-week timetable. 6 weeks preparation is definitely possible (albeit stressful), but is not recommended for first-timers if you have the choice.

Preparation Times of More Than 5 months

This is generally not recommended for most people, as it can be difficult to maintain adequate motivation, energy, momentum and practise throughout this period, resulting in a dip in your performance level leading up to the exam.

Factors to Consider

Every individual is different and has their own set of unique circumstances. Factors you may wish to consider when deciding how long you will need:

  • Clinical Experience - Your baseline level of clinical experience across Medicine, Surgery and it's specialities - particularly experience in consultations with patients in a GP or outpatient clinic setting will serve you well. Familiarity with how the NHS system works is also helpful.
  • Clinical Knowledge - Your baseline level of universal knowledge of Medicine, Surgery and it's specialities. Those who are used to working in a speciality outside of Medicine or Surgery may need more time to bring their knowledge back up to scratch.
  • Communication Skills - Your baseline level of English and interpersonal skills. Those with a confident demeanour who are able to talk freely and comfortably tend to fair better in this exam.
  • Learning Speed - How you compare with your peers in your ability to acquire, retain and apply new information and skills.
  • Commitments - The extent of other commitments during this period, including work, home and family life. For example, whether you are working full-time, part-time or not working; whether you have any dependants requiring care; as well as any other commitments or duties.
  • Sitting the exam earlier (aggressive scheduling)
    • The benefits gained by sitting the exam earlier - For example, if you were to pass the exam, this may allow you to go ahead with other plans reliant on you passing the exam earlier; as well as saving on any visa, travel and accommodation costs by staying in the UK for a shorter period of time.
    • The costs incurred by sitting the exam earlier - For example, extra stress resulting from a stricter deadline to complete your preparation; and if you were to fail the exam owing to inadequate preparation, the subsequent impact on your finances, mental health and future plans. Also bear in mind that you can only attempt the PLAB 2 exam a maximum of four times. 
  • Sitting the exam later (conservative scheduling)
    • The benefits gained by sitting the exam later - For example, having more time to consolidate and practise the course content, being able to achieve a better balance with other commitments, and a less stressful revision period.
    • The costs incurred by sitting the exam later - For example, lost job or career opportunities for not passing the exam sooner; and if you were to fail the exam on this attempt, less time remaining on your visa and language evidence certificate validity (OET, IELTS).


The clinical and professional capabilities, knowledge and practical skills required for UKMLA-PLAB 2 are summarised in the MLA Content Map.

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