Timer Widget


Please Note:

If you are looking to purchase Madeira, Citrine or Diamond Packages (i.e. those containing 1:1 Coaching with Dr Hashim), it is recommended that you first fill in the Intake Form on the Coaching Page prior to making the purchase to check the latest availability of dates and to reserve a slot.

Distance Learning Packages

~ 100% Online

Ruby Package


MLACases Membership Support

Smart Revision Planner ("Lifesaver")

(NEW) Smart Revision Notes

Madeira Package


MLACases Membership Support

Smart Revision Planner ("Lifesaver")

(NEW) Smart Revision Notes

1 x 8-Station 1:1 Coaching with Dr Hashim (Zoom)

Citrine Package


MLACases Membership Support

Smart Revision Planner ("Lifesaver")

(NEW) Smart Revision Notes

1 x 16-Station 1:1 Coaching with Dr Hashim (Zoom)

Hands-On Learning Packages

~ Online + F2F

Sapphire Package


MLACases Membership Support

Smart Revision Planner ("Lifesaver")

(NEW) Smart Revision Notes

Lifetime Smart Manikin Pass

Aqua Package


MLACases Membership Support

Smart Revision Planner ("Lifesaver")

(NEW) Smart Revision Notes

Lifetime Smart Manikin Pass

Supervised Manikin Practise Workshop

Examination + Procedure Workshop

High Fidelity Manikin (SimMan®/SimWoman®) Workshop

Prescription Workshop

1 x 16-Station Mock (F2F)

Diamond Package


MLACases Membership Support

Smart Revision Planner ("Lifesaver")

(NEW) Smart Revision Notes

Lifetime Smart Manikin Pass

Supervised Manikin Practise Workshop

Examination + Procedure Workshop

High Fidelity Manikin (SimMan®/SimWoman®) Workshop

Prescription Workshop

1 x 16-Station Mock (F2F)

1 x Additional 16-Station Mock (F2F)

1 x 16-Station 1:1 Coaching with Dr Hashim (Zoom)

Student Centred Learning.

Learn In Your Own Time, At Your Own Pace ~ MLACases adopts an educational approach that focuses on the needs of the learner, rather than the tutor. All the knowledge and concepts required for the exam are covered in our online interactive courses which you can work through in your own time at your own pace. Hence, we do not provide online group lectures or classes that limit the learner to a tutors schedule (also because of the inherent limitations of this type of learning - see below). Questions are answered in the comments section of the lessons and the WhatsApp members group. Once all lessons have been completed, you will be issued with an MLACases Course Certificate of Completion.

Active Learning ~ Since UKMLA / PLAB 2 is a time-sensitive consultation-skills based exam, your learning should focus on procedural learning i.e. knowing "how" (PLAB 2) rather than declarative learning and knowing "what" (PLAB 1). By their nature, therefore, traditional lectures or group classes are not an effective way to prepare for this exam. Instead, the onus is on the learner to independently practise the content covered in the online courses. We encourage you to do this with compulsory interactive tests before moving onto the next lesson, timer widgets, consultation checklists and affordable manikin access. We also provide regular mocks and 1:1 coaching to better familiarise yourself with the exam format, receive more detailed guidance and feedback and give you that confidence boost heading into the exam.

The Right Fit ~ We appreciate that every person is different. Our wide range of packages provide flexibility and versatility to suit your individual needs and preferences. You only pay for what you need and nothing else.

Learn Wherever Whenever

...with the Mobile App.

Learn "On-the-Go" ~ Carry the MLACases courses with you in your pocket and access them instantly and effortlessly anytime, anywhere.

Optimised Login Experience ~ Secure one-time-password account login for more streamlined, easy 24/7 access.

Automatic Syncing ~ A seamless mobile-to-web experience where your course progress is saved on each device so you can pick up where you left off.

Offline Learning ~ Truly take your learning anywhere with offline viewing mode.

We've got you covered until your exam date.*

One Time Payment ~ Get up to speed and start your learning right away by taking advantage of our "One-Time Payment" offer included with all our Value Packages. This allows unlimited access to our continually-updated online courses until your PLAB 2 exam.

Rescheduling ~ If for whatever reason, you defer your exam date then let us know and we'll extend your subscription to your new exam date free of charge.

The earlier you buy, the more you gain.**

Early Birds ~ We've also got you covered until your PLAB 2 exam date even if you haven't booked PLAB 2 yet (e.g. PLAB 1 results pending or waiting for seats) but are looking to start your PLAB 2 preparation early.

Save Time ~ Get more without paying more by accessing our courses immediately after sitting PLAB 1.

*Subject to receiving satisfactory exam date evidence (in the format outlined in the user guide provided). Maximum of one free course extension per person for rescheduled dates.

**Subject to receiving satisfactory evidence of current PLAB status (in the format outlined in the user guide provided).

Distance Learning Packages

~ 100% Online

Ruby Package


MLACases Membership Support

Smart Revision Planner ("Lifesaver")

(NEW) Smart Revision Notes

Madeira Package


MLACases Membership Support

Smart Revision Planner ("Lifesaver")

(NEW) Smart Revision Notes

1 x 8-Station 1:1 Coaching with Dr Hashim (Zoom)

Citrine Package


MLACases Membership Support

Smart Revision Planner ("Lifesaver")

(NEW) Smart Revision Notes

1 x 16-Station 1:1 Coaching with Dr Hashim (Zoom)

Hands-On Learning Packages

~ Online + F2F

Sapphire Package


MLACases Membership Support

Smart Revision Planner ("Lifesaver")

(NEW) Smart Revision Notes

Lifetime Smart Manikin Pass

Aqua Package


MLACases Membership Support

Smart Revision Planner ("Lifesaver")

(NEW) Smart Revision Notes

Lifetime Smart Manikin Pass

Supervised Manikin Practise Workshop

Examination + Procedure Workshop

High Fidelity Manikin (SimMan®/SimWoman®) Workshop

Prescription Workshop

1 x 16-Station Mock (F2F)

Diamond Package


MLACases Membership Support

Smart Revision Planner ("Lifesaver")

(NEW) Smart Revision Notes

Lifetime Smart Manikin Pass

1 x Supervised Manikin Practise Workshop

1 x Examination + Procedure Workshop

1 x High Fidelity Manikin (SimMan®/SimWoman®)

+ Prescription Workshop

1 x 16-Station Mock (F2F)

1 x Additional 16-Station Mock (F2F)

1 x 16-Station 1:1 Coaching with Dr Hashim (Zoom)